about ampersand biosciences

Ampersand Biosciences began operations in 2016. Together, our four founders—Dr. Laurie Stephen, Dr. Tori Race, Kristi Marshall and Marc Damour—have decades of experience developing custom, multiplexed immunoassays and kits for pharmaceutical companies and university research laboratories.

Who is Ampersand Biosciences?

Ampersand Biosciences specialize in the development, manufacturing and validation of multiplex immunoassays for the Luminex platform, proteins and antibodies. We have decades of experience developing custom assays for researchers globally.

Groundbreaking research breakthroughs

Ampersand Biosciences offers one of a kind Luminex products for Ferret and Hamster cytokine panels specifically developed to evaluate respiratory diseases. Our Ferret Cytokine Panel 2 (13-plex) for the Luminex Platform was the first in the market and provides a crucial tool for evaluating immunoresponses to influenza, COV-2-SARs, and other respiratory diseases. We have now introduced our new Hamster Cytokine Panel 1 (9-plex) for the Luminex Platform that is specifically designed for the detection of 9 hamster cytokines/chemokines in serum, plasma, tissue homogenates, and bronchial lavage. Both of the cytokine panels and more can be found in our store.

While our focus on service and solutions sets us apart, R&D is at our core. In 2000, our co-founder, Dr. Laurie Stephen, helped introduce the first 5-plex commercial human cytokine kits for the Luminex platform. That innovative drive continued at Ampersand’s precursor company, Multiplex Biosciences—later Myriad RBM—which launched close to 100 new assays in its nine years of existence.

Myriad RBM’s New York site grew from four employees to 22 before spinning off its parent in 2015, becoming Ampersand Biosciences. In addition to developing xMAP-based research use kits and assays, we design and execute biomarker tests for mouse, rat, hamster, ferret, canine and human samples. We launched these testing services to assist small teams unfamiliar with the complexity of performing multiplex immunoassays—saving clients both time and money. And for researchers working with limited sample quantities, our technology to miniaturize custom assays requires smaller sample sizes than other off-the-shelf kits.

Our facility in Lake Clear, N.Y., is located in a secure, remote location in the northern Adirondacks, a 6-million-acre region 40 miles from the Canadian border. Here, we continue to innovate: Working with the nearby Trudeau Institute, a biomedical research center, we released the first ferret cytokine research panels in 2023.